Day 7 — Appointment 2

Mindy Young
2 min readFeb 4, 2021

In preparation for this appointment, I contact Colton’s daycare to ask if I could drop him off 10–15 mins early so that I wouldn’t feel rushed to get to Oshawa for 8:30am. I dropped him at 7:20am and he joined the infant room until his toddler room opened at 7:30am.

I made my way to Oshawa. It was actually a really nice drive again as it was clear and sunny. We are still in a stay-at-home order so the traffic was extremely light compared the first time I went through this process, which I am thankful for.

I arrived early, around 8:10am. I parked on the street and reflected on the expense of attending these appointments in so many ways — parking included. I read “Making a Manager” in my car while I waited and I got the call at 8:28am to head up to the clinic. I went through COVID screening and walked right in to get my bloodwork done. I received the Puregon again and a refreshed on how to use it. For this first cycle, I’ll be injecting 50microlitres.

The ultrasound appointment was next. I recognized the Eastern European technologist even behind her glasses and mask. It was an uneasy feeling, I knew what was coming next would be uncomfortable. I think she is good at her job, but she is very quiet, hard to understand, and cold. She started the transvaginal ultrasound exam using the 10+ inch wand. It is not a pleasant feeling. She was moving it around lots and I knew that she was finding it challenging to find my ovaries, which she confirmed after about 5 minutes. She had me move into a held back bridge position, repositioning my knees to move the wand around and then pressing down hard on my lower abdomen while she sticks the wand towards that area. Again, very uncomfortable. She then did a regular abdominal ultrasound and I believe through that she was able to find the ovary that was missing.

I was told I have 2 small follicles, which is normal for Day 7. One was 1.0mm and one was 1.1mm on each ovary. I was told to start the Puregon today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday). I will then return to the office for monitoring on Saturday and they will tell me if I need to keep taking it. I asked about them not being able to see anything with the ultrasound on the weekends when the tech isn’t in, but I was instructed that we have to, and they will use blood to monitor what is happening.

I drove back home, getting into Peterborough around 9:45am. Thankful that my job allows me the flexibility to accommodate this. I am very lucky in many ways to even have the opportunity to go through this process. I need to remember that.



Mindy Young

Canadian. Wife, mother, sister, & friend. Passionate about healthcare, chocolate, hockey, wine & potato chips..